Sunday, September 16, 2007

Dieting news 16/09/2007

Are You on a Dieting Rollercoaster?
Leave your dieting habits behind and reap the rewards. Losing weight, changing your body shape and ultimately your self-image can change your life.

Teen girls on diets more apt to become smokers (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Teenage girls who start dieting are nearly two times more likely to also take up smoking regularly, compared with teenage girls who are not dieting. Among teenage boys, it is the inactive dieters -- those that tried dieting but didn't stick to it -- that are at risk for taking up smoking.

Small agency. Big client. (Boston Globe)
Should Jared stay or should he go? That was the question MMB faced when the boutique Boston firm became the ad agency of record for Subway restaurants two years ago. Jared Fogle's message had grown stale, and other ad firms had tried unsuccessfully to jettison the pitchman who famously lost 245 pounds eating Subway sandwiches.

Dieting for Disney week 1 Results...
Forum: Pre-Trip Reports and Plans Posted By: streudel423 Post Time: 09-16-2007 at 07:18 AM.

Pneumonia shot doesn't prevent all pneumonias (The Record)
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I have had pneumonia every year for the past three years, and last year was the worst. I had a shot for pneumonia. The following year, they told me I couldn't have the shot again. Why? Should I try to get another pneumonia shot this fall? -- G.H.

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