Teen girls on diets more apt to become smokers (Reuters via Yahoo!7 Health)
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Teenage girls who start dieting are nearly two times more likely to also take up smoking regularly, compared with teenage girls who are not dieting.
Teen girls on diets more apt to become smokers (Reuters via Yahoo! News)
Teenage girls who start dieting are nearly two times more likely to also take up smoking regularly, compared with teenage girls who are not dieting. Among teenage boys, it is the inactive dieters -- those that tried dieting but didn't stick to it -- that are at risk for taking up smoking.
Dieting? You Must Reset Your Weight-o-stat
No matter how much you exercise and diet, if you don't reset your weight-o-stat, you will often go back to your pre-set weight. It is like your home. If the thermostat is set on 72 and you open a window, the temperature might change for ...
Atkins for Dieting By Li Ming Wong
Dieting with the Atkins diet involved eliminating a large degree of carbohydrates from your diet. In the past there hasn't been as much of an emphasis on fitness and exercise with the Atkins diet as there seems to be currently. ...
25 Tips For Restaurant Dieting
ting out is a part of almost everyone life and being on a diet shouldnt prohibit you from enjoying this fun treat. Luckily many restaurants today offer healthy options and some even cater to different diet plans like the Atkins and ...